Love is in the things I throw in anger, love is my true nature.

I find love in myself, not in my eyes does it dwell but in hers these little universes I so easily lose myself in and when I see myself represented in every beautiful detail of her reflection, these eyes… I know that not only do I love her but also everything she represents, the beauty in the songs sung by the birds in the spring time when the flowers and leaves awaken from their deep rest of oblivion, when it is this time of year I feel myself along with the rest of this planet coming alive, just like I do when I’m looked at by these eyes., right now however it is mid November and the tree’s are bared to the bone with nothing hanging on to their branches but some old dried pine cones, the planet feels like it’s at rest and I to for today feel like a statue of peace sitting in my chair beside this fire while the girl across from me rubs her short hair, I can think of many years and all the deferent seasons in the blink of my eye see them all in all their own unique beauty, and in just the same way I can see all of my deferent seasons, moods, broods and attitudes, out looks and out skirts…..from the inside of my awareness to these outer realms I see the desires past present future, the satire post, modern,and vintage.  the cigarets i’ve smoked the empty packs I’ve thrown away the fresh ones in my hand and the absence of these toxic life force sucking wraps of paper in my life, the desire for one and desire for never ever again.  The coldness from winters past, the smells of a cigarette on my breath, the lack of food carving a hole in my stomach and the fullness of a thanksgiving feast finally eatin without feelings of a judge on my shoulder slamming his hammer down yelling “guilty”….. this little battle and how big of a win it is, but only compared to my life and my soon to be wifes can I say that, I am sorry, I love you, thank you, please forgive me, thankyouthankyouthankyou.

“Victory” I shout and I stand up and walk away.



Published by dr.rainwater

- Effiji Breath Facilitator and Guide - Mindset and Nutrition Coaching

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