Nay I say, Nay!

My rights as a human are not something I would ever claim to understand, in fact I feel it to be a nasty bit of garbage thinking that somehow we can have some kind of ability to free ourselves from oppression or war by putting in place a system of some kind….any kind.

Before you get your panties all in a wad listen to what I am saying.  I am saying that it doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, what struggles you’ve faced, there is always going to be a voice in your head commenting on your actions or lack there of and because of this voice “freedom” is never going to be something attained…only strived for.

I could say I want this, and I want that, and I could be all clear in my intentions, I could have a 5 year plan mapped out, 10 year plan, 20 year plan, but that’s not going to keep me from falling in the places I fall and having to work with the forces I’m forced to work with.  Even if I knew what I wanted and how to get there, and even if I did/I am putting one foot in front of the other it would not result in a calculated journey, one where I traverse obstacles and overcame adversities….Yes I would be doing those things and I am doing those things but the point I’m getting at is even if you “Do it” whatever it is, there will still be a dialogue in your head the whole time asking you ” Are you sure you didn’t fuck up, look you just fucked up” even if you’re killing it, knocking it out of the park there will always be a naysayer.  Even if you live in a cave far away from all naysayers you will wind that still there is a naysayer, the biggest naysayer you’ve ever met lives in all caves.   He sits right between your ears, and he will not stop.

Couple strategies to help “calm” the Naysayer – Have support, from friends, from a coach, from many places, have it come in many forms.  Have a person you can call for nothing at all other then a “Hey, My naysayer has got me all Psyche’d out, and it’s wicked annoying” By being able to proclaim the struggle you face on the inside you take it’s suffocating power away however so slightly.  Therefor in order to reach those 5, 10, 20 year goals we must zoom into each day and become masters at winning the little battles along the way.  We must evolve our concept of a win, we must understand that just because it’s a small little moment of feeling better through expressing the fear that we feel that “Smallness” doesn’t turn it into something that does not count.  Because the truth is that “little moment” is all we have, one after the next. over and over again!


Published by dr.rainwater

- Effiji Breath Facilitator and Guide - Mindset and Nutrition Coaching

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