Cease Fire

When we step back from the battlefield –

When we step back from the constant struggle that we are the center of –

When we step back from this struggle that we perpetuate in spite of our “desire” to “change” –

When we we step back from this struggle that comes from blaming others for what we do not wish to see in ourselves –

When we step back from the misconception that things exist in isolation from everything else, the misconception that everything is not interconnected…

We begin to see with clear eyes – Eye’s not clouded with the shadows our own false assumptions cast as they reflect back at us in the eyes of another.


We all too easily become frightened by fleeting change – To be frightened of fleeting change is to be frightened by life itself…after all nature is terrifying…..At least this is something to which we all can agree.

All of us – Afraid of loss, afraid of disappointments, insecure and afraid of our insecurities, thoughts of death, afraid of our thoughts of death more than of death itself, afraid of aging……afraid of the IDEA’s we have about aging..

Misunderstanding leads us to fight against life, misunderstanding leads us to fight against ourselves, and each other, misunderstanding perpetuates misunderstanding…. thus we continue to run from pain, grasping at pleasure in hopes of finding safety…… as if we could control all of the outcomes for all eternity.

Thus the suffering continues, as our upset grows…our resistance to that which is increases…..We are left with what appears to be only two options……1 – We unleash our anger and upset outwardly destroying the world and those around us…..or 2 – We turn our anger and upset inward and destroy ourselves from the inside out. but to think that these two options are deferent from one another is to not see clearly…..both options, and any combination of these two options both result in prolonging our suffering, and enhancing our pain…..meanwhile this world that has been created from the greatest minds to ever live as a result remains stuck in simply again…perpetuation the cycle, as we all turn a blind eye…to the reality that exists beyond right and wrong. This reality that we deem not real because we cannot quantify it in our preferred methods of quantification.

Opening to something softer, broader…opening to this true expanded reality is not only frustrating and impossible feeling but it is also outrage provoking and typically warrants a response of an even greater upset, because the thought of being this vulnerable is beyond what so many of us can even entertain the idea of……

Which is obviously normal and warranted, because when the above experience of life is all that we know nothing else exists, no other way of life being life – is real to us and further more…the possibly that things could be deferent register as a threat because as much as we do not with to suffer….this suffering has become the very thing that defines us, without it we would not know who to be… this letting go of control is the ultimate thing that many of us fear…..Surrendering to god?  I’d rather shoot god with a gun!

So we suffer along, telling ourselves whatever we need to hear that will help in our desperate need to survive, anything that will keep us going, keep us believing that our lie is real…………till then one day change happens, in a instant – originating from the original sense of grace.


It’s almost like we can’t actually do anything to save ourselves, because in one hand we can, we can make deferent choices….and on the other hand the more we try and change something the more it will remain the same……..that which is causing us the most pain, is none other then we we claim to be……again this is why misunderstanding perpetuates the cycle of blindness….and to break the cycle we only need to see with clear eyes. To wake up.

This is the catch 22 – This is where I believe the depth of our upset stems – This abandoned by god feeling.

If god/nature/the universe was so great how could god allow such misery, violence, and injustice to exist.

However….Who? claimed god to be separate or other than the misery, cruelty, and injustice?

The mind did, the mind of every seeking who has ever saught the truth…thats who.

Well the good news is that in reality…we are not separate from god/nature/theuniverse…., so that clears that up,

Therefor We are the ones who have abandoned ourselves, from this abandonment of self all other forms of abandonment stem.

In other words…We are the original abandoners, the only thing to abandon truly is ourselves..Because what we are at our core is EVERYTHING….

This is the original sin because “Sin” means to go astray…..And astray from ourselves we have gone, and that was the original moment the disconnection happened and this disconnection has played out continuously ever since.

Fear, Hate, murder, malice, self loathing, blind ignorance, lack of consciousness, darkness, primordial goop……this is the baseline of existence, this and pure emptiness which perhaps is more terrifying than anything.

From this baseline of emptiness comes primordial goop and from that comes awareness of said goop, from that awareness comes a sunrise, from this sunrise comes the dawn of man, from the dawn of man comes relationships with the world that man exists in.

Both love and hate exist – Better use of language would be Love and Fear, or Love and leaving, love and abandoning.  Or perhaps the simplest and truest use of language here instead of Love and Hate would be Love and a lack of faith.

At the end of the day we are here, now, both helpless, and also in the drivers seat of our destiny – 

The limitations are the portals beyond those same limitations.

Things are not as the seem, this is the nature of this dream.

Reading the Gita, or the Tao De Ching do not wake us up to the world that exists beyond this dream, because language is as limited as all of these other limitations that only exist in the physical world on the physical plane the limited way that only we can perceive.

The limitation of language is part of the puzzle of moving beyond the limitation of it, so it has value and just as with anything something having value does not mean that it could not also lead to an even greater misunderstanding.

It’s our choice or responsibility to choose optimism over dread, to be simple, humble, grateful, and aw struck by the impossibly perfect web of interconnectedness that is nature.

For every poison there is a anti-venom, for every virus there is an environmental reason behind it.

That reason is to find balance, to balance all imbalances.

Drop a tear and a whole universe will shake.

The one thing we can always know, always count on is that no matter what happens….the reason behind what is happening belongs to this law of balance.   Perhaps the only thing that is truly real, reliable, and constant.

So whenever something happens, ask yourself…what happened before that now is being balanced by what is happening now.

The natural world, our biology is 100% of the time working at 100% of it’s capacity to find the point of balance.

The best way to facilitate our own healing, and the healing of our planet is by getting out of our own way, by being our own booster shot in the dark.  By ceasing the firestorm that comes from the misunderstanding – That we are somehow separate from nature.

My opinion on how to do this is to learn from the cycles of nature, the cycles of the day, the cycles of a woman’s moon cycle and from the cycles of a mans sun cycle. The cycles of the seasons, the cycles of our breathing, the cycle of our life.

We need not invent the wheel, rather we need only to remember what our ancestors knew so long ago.

Real Change happens at the instant we see things truly as they are, and this change that comes from seeing the true nature of reality is the kind of change that is permanent, none wavering, and steadfast.


Published by dr.rainwater

- Effiji Breath Facilitator and Guide - Mindset and Nutrition Coaching

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