– Healing in order to live Vs Living Fully in order to Heal –

The one true aim – The path – Modalities place – Freedom from our dreams – Healing in order to live VS Living Fully in order to Heal – The wisdom that registers as Obtus – Bruce Lee – Mr. Miyagi – & Neil Young – Trauma – psychedelics/ketamine/mdma therapy……And Of course breathwork. ____________ ModalitiesContinue reading “– Healing in order to live Vs Living Fully in order to Heal –”

Mindset – The setting of the mind. Pt-1

#opinion – Nothing is more important or more valuable then having an embodied understanding of what I have written about below. |||||||| Sometimes we have to set aside our rational thinking and rely on what we do not know . . . yet.  Your mind can memorize the steps but until you feel the music,Continue reading “Mindset – The setting of the mind. Pt-1”

VAXED AND WAXED! #vacation2021

We all know everything is connected right? Obviously nothing happens in isolation from something else, obviously there are an infinite number of variables that are uniquely arranged for in each persons situation. And on top of that if life was not complicated enough quantum physics tells us that the matter that makes up what weContinue reading “VAXED AND WAXED! #vacation2021”

Fasting – To Remember

“Fasting is the oldest dietary intervention in the world…..It is not the latest and greatest, but the tried and true.” – Dr. Jason Fung Kendra and I have both been feeling the potency of this transition into spring and wanting to do spring cleaning from the inside out. I started down a taoist rabbit hole awhileContinue reading “Fasting – To Remember”

Crisis is needed for change – Health is determined by adaptability – We need to remember this!

  A crisis is needed for change: My opinion….my personal understanding of Karma is simply – Everything that happens to us is a result of our own creation, its the divine working through us, as we are the creators, and what we create and co-create is not happening to us, rather its happening for usContinue reading “Crisis is needed for change – Health is determined by adaptability – We need to remember this!”

Slippery Shadows – Enlightened Reptile

Tears, Heavy is the burden on our back….Heart Ache…just growing pain. Are we only meant to enhance our ability to hold its power…IT being love, and ABILITY being our attempt at containment?   Avoiding settling down to our root of balance to feel the sweetness of love, it is part tragedy by nature, so this doesntContinue reading “Slippery Shadows – Enlightened Reptile”