Buxton Woods Sunrise

Early morning sunrises always come with an interesting mindset for me – a combination of the deep appreciation of the first lights’ beauty and the subtle annoyance of my inability to sleep… The outer banks are absolutely beautiful and today starts the first week of vacation that I have had in a while, an ideaContinue reading “Buxton Woods Sunrise”

Good morning Planet Earth

I arrived here this morning after traveling what felt like a long distance last night through many layers of the dream world….where is here you ask?  I hope you already know the very simple answer to that question but to be more specific todays here is a beautiful house over looking beautiful trees with theContinue reading “Good morning Planet Earth”

Blog entry from 9-16-12 re-posted

We leave Boston today for NYC where we will dwell for 4 hours before getting on a bus heading to N.C.  Over night bus rides are about to be my new favorite!  Boston has been fun and good practice at being in total mayham nut still remembering that all that mayham is not in meContinue reading “Blog entry from 9-16-12 re-posted”

Blog entry from 9-13-12 re-posted

Kendra and I arrived in Amherst M.A after hitchhiking from Kripalu yesterday (Highlight was going to an A.A meeting with a young man who was kind enough to pick us up and who we ended up sharing and recieving a lot from) everything I need I have everything I have I need……but not really becauseContinue reading “Blog entry from 9-13-12 re-posted”